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Health and Spiritual Series

Love all. Trust a few. Do Wrong to None. Be Healthy. Be Happy.

Currently reading

A New Look at Vegetarianism: Its Positive Effects on Health and Disease Control
Sukhraj S. Dhillon
A Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories
Sukhraj S. Dhillon
Spirituality, Morality and Vegetarianism
Spirituality, Morality and Vegetarianism
New Look at Vegetarianism
New Look at Vegetarianism

With SPIRITUALITY and respecting life including helpless animals, come Morality and does what's right.“ A human can be healthy without killing them for food.” "EAT MORE VEGES AND FRUITS"  https://goo.gl/eGLcHV 

Source: http://amzn.to/dPtrNh
Healthy Life Style
Healthy Life Style
The Power of Breathing: A Practical Scientific Approach to Breathing for Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Well-Being Based on Ancient Experienc - Sukhraj S. Dhillon

Let us conquer Obesity & Mental Health with proper nutrition, Breathing, Yoga..   https://goo.gl/7Okr1q 


Start with the most powerful book on breathing that not only explains what many people learn in expensive workshops and remote retreats but very personal routine the author follows. Several independent studies on breathing are given that confirm the practitioners of breathing techniques not only experience physical and mental comfort, but discover cures for illnesses such as asthma.

The book teaches you breathing-based technique called the healing breath. It incorporates specific natural rhythms of breath to release stress and bring the mind to the present moment. The book also includes other breathing techniques, meditation, low-impact yoga, and skills for dealing effectively with challenging emotions and situations.

Several independent studies on mental and physical health benefits of the breathing are given along with source, which have been published in international peer-reviewed journals. The studies confirm that practitioners of breathing techniques not only experience physical and mental comfort in their own breathing, but find cures for common illnesses from heart disease and cancer to asthma.
The "Power of Breathing" is written to be enjoyed by people of all traditions, religions, and walks of life, in universities, churches, governments, businesses, prisons, war zones, community rooms, and living rooms. The book is complete in itself and is also a foundation of healthy living.

What is called "Sudarshan Kriya" by new age gurus is a cycle of breaths—long, medium and short. Not only breathing patterns influence our emotions, the breath is in the present and is used to "rope in the wandering mind" that oscillates wildly between the past and the future. Like Zen masters who teach that the present moment is a chink opening into eternity, this guide describes the use of breathing to rope the present that frees our mind from the past which is nothing but history and the future which is mystery.

You will learn:
* Practices that heal and harmonize the body, mind, and spirit
* Skills for handling negative emotions and situations
* Practical wisdom for improving work and relationships
* Insight into the laws that govern the mind and emotions
* Stretching and low-impact yoga combined with breathing for health, circulation, and body stillness

Source: http://amzn.to/h14DD2
5 Advantages of Drinking Water in the Morning
5 Advantages of Drinking Water in the Morning
Here's how you "Lose Weight and Look Great."
Here's how you "Lose Weight and Look Great."

5 Advantages of Drinking Water in the Morning and other ways to healthy weight and total health. Here's how! You'll lose weight and look great...  https://goo.gl/3kSOOR 

Source: http://amzn.to/eRU5S6 
Living in Now
Living in Now
Soul and Reincarnation. Most fascinating info.
Soul and Reincarnation. Most fascinating info.

Don’t waste time thinking about next life. Channel that energy into Living Fully in Now. "SOUL AND REINCARNATION"  https://goo.gl/xWyeDk 

Source: http://amzn.to/dMBLWW
Relationship between God, Soul, Conscious
Relationship between God, Soul, Conscious
Soul and Reincarnation
Soul and Reincarnation

"Conscious is the VOICE of God in the SOUL. Thus Soul is part of God within us." https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/41196  http://goo.gl/XE97WR 

Source: http://amzn.to/gwaTWs 
Vegetarian foods and cancer.
Vegetarian foods and cancer.
Vegetarianism and Health
Vegetarianism and Health

•In a VEGETARIAN world no worry about Kosher, Halal, Mad Cow Disease. Every person with cancer has a pH that is too acidic. Less meat & more veges keep alkaline. Be healthy without killing animals for food  https://goo.gl/eGLcHV 

Source: http://amzn.to/dPtrNh 

A Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories

A Treasure of Great Spiritual Stories - Sukhraj S. Dhillon

Truthful and spiritually oriented books help us refine sense of right and wrong in a confusing world. http://goo.gl/HfyE7e 

Source: http://amzn.to/ev4LrW 
Intuition and Soul
Intuition and Soul

• That thing you call INTUITION.. It's your SOUL. You can trust it.. http://amzn.to/gwaTWs   

Source: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/41196
Impact of Fear and Laughter for the Soul
Impact of Fear and Laughter for the Soul

• Fear eats the Soul. Love and laughter is good for the soul. https://goo.gl/xWyeDk 

Source: http://amzn.to/gwaTWs

Soul and Reincarnation

Soul and Reincarnation - Sukhraj S. Dhillon

The views on soul and reincarnation vary from no such thing as a ‘soul’ to only humans possess a soul, to both humans and animals possess a soul, and that soul likewise dies when the physical body dies or that soul is immortal and never dies. All religions believe in the existence of SOUL in human body, but they differ in what happens after death. "SOUL and REINCARNATION" provides alternate views using science and logic to questions that were perceived to be confusing and contradictory varying from faith to faith. It is written for those curious minds that like to explore the mystery of soul and reincarnation.

“There are many religions, but only
One Morality, One Truth, and One God.
The only Heaven is one of Conscious Life
And Fellowship with God.”



""• I am not this hair and skin, I am the SOUL that lives within...?"
Source: http://amzn.to/gwaTWs